Demon's Souls

Written By Rio on Monday, July 30, 2012 | 7:52 PM

Not for the faint of heart
Demon Soul is a game for those who believe that games are used for more challenging than it is now - you punch in the view, and scared to death while doing so. In short, it's a cruel, dark, horror-colored combat RPG, which gives rise to your lone character against the universe, full of violent demons.

They range from former soldiers living person, double scimitar armed skeletons, creatures attacking the flames, octopus-head guards, embryonic plague carrying monster, even Death itself. There is absolutely no shortage of things to kill you, and they are all intent to do so. From time to time we encounter another lone survivor tries away in a dark tunnel out of prison, but in most cases, you are alone against everything that the game can throw at you. 

Enemy territory
Five weight worlds, all divided into three or four different sections, each guarded by some of the most inspiring and disturbing boss we've ever seen, about fifty meters Knight Castle Tower in Boletarian contaminated dirt monster in the valley of pollution. Demon Souls is a beautifully crafted dark fantasy, and it is very similar to the survival horror game like RPG.
You need different tactics to defeat all the evil in the world of the dead, demons, and fortunately, the game does not limit itself with your choice of character class. You can use any weapon or armor can be cleaned with a simple part of the shield and sword, bow and arrows, wands and talismans for the treatment, hammers, knives and much more, and develop your character as you like, not focusing solely on the strength or magic.
You can crawl through dark tunnels with a spear, protected by two inches thick, bulletproof vests and massive shield, or darts around with the dagger and sticks. It is safe to accept the terrible skeletons in black face to face, relying on his skill with a sword and shield parry, or take a more cautious approach, affecting the health of enemies at a distance for long range and arrows.

No mercy
The game involves a lot of dying. Every time you die, you start from the beginning, with all the enemies you just tried to overcome where they were. There are no compromises. There is not even pause. You can get better, and you'll get nowhere.

Most of the time, that will play, as a dead soul, not your physical body and health declines. The only way to get the body back to win the boss - or helping someone else to win the internet.
Features an online demon dead, really extraordinary. Players may leave messages written on the plans, to warn each other of danger ahead, and point the way to hidden treasure. The ghosts of other players, usually depicting a horrible last moment, apparently, from time to time to go. 

Starship Trouper
Features an online demon dead, really extraordinary. Players may leave messages written on the plans, to warn each other of danger ahead, and point the way to hidden treasure. The ghosts of other players, usually depicting a horrible last moment, apparently, from time to time to go.
You can also offer to be called in someone else's game as Blue Phantom is useful to work together to defeat the boss. Or, it may be more attractive, you can invade another game like Phantom of the Black and the attempted murder of his soul going. This makes things even more tense when you were invading, I am convinced that every shadow behind every wall of your potential killer, armed to the teeth enchanted arrow notched and aimed at his chest.
Demon Souls is an amazing game. Do not spoil me, do not explain, does not make a concession - instead, it offers you to understand yourself, to overcome the seemingly impossible. This is a unique and intriguing character, and if you can take the pain, is one of the most rewarding games you'll ever play.


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