Challenge Mind with Beyond : Two Souls

Written By Rio on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 | 9:22 PM

David Cage, French developer, whose studio Quantic Dream has created a wonderful thriller Heavy Rain PlayStation 3, has reiterated his desire to continue to push the game towards greater emotional depth, even if the media non-traditional ideas of "fun".

During the call to the edge of the magazine, described his hopes for the people who play their next game, "I do not want to question your fingers, I want to challenge their minds."

Beyond: Two souls Hollywood actress Ellen Page as a young girl is being hunted by the military. She shares with us some supernatural entity, which makes it a powerful and dangerous.

"My goal is to surprise people," Box continues. "To give them what they want, not knowing what they want. I want to create an emotional journey, a unique experience.'m Not interested in their" fun ", I want to give them meaning."

 One of the ways in which it intends to disseminate events in the game for 15 years, rather than condensed non-stop action yarn biggest names fight for. However, he admits that such a high concept story may not be for everyone. "Maybe it does not matter, or simply too ambitious," said Edge. "Maybe it's not something that most people really want, but it is a goal that I set with Beyond .. Creating something new"

Pros: Two souls is the exclusive PlayStation 3, and will be published in 2013.


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