Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 - Review

Written By Rio on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 | 10:13 PM

Stop me if you think you've heard before. FIFA may be the undisputed king of football sims, a position he held for most of this generation, but this year will be different. This year, his main rival Pro Evolution Soccer finally keep their promises, and finally going to find its days of glory restored, slick, the organic calcium that has helped make his name even more brilliant than ever.

It 'a cliché that is so worn as everyone else in the game: football is a game of two halves, there are no easy games for the big guy, was well off his feet and, of course, Pro Evolution Soccer will be great and this year.The boy did well
But, sincerely and honestly, could be the year in which the feeling that has always taken this first step can occur. Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 looks great - and now it looks good in front of the nose of the model year by EA Sports, FIFA 13.

If you watched the games, as in the last two years, and plots of their relative progress, which probably will not be a surprise. Yes, FIFA, and was the dominant contribution of last year, was arguably the best, but for now it is slowly developing examined and measured take on the sport, Konami, he spends his own way more dynamic.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 played football, the ball felt that it was oiled, gliding through the air with a heady pace, and the opening matches in a way that looked, frankly, more in harmony with the game.Beautiful Game
In Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 the rates are slowed down, leading to a more realistic game of football, but what is the meaning of an action frivolous, the fun and dynamism and unpredictability that FIFA is not quite the same thing.

Message from the original game, Pro Evolution Soccer has always been that he felt that something can happen that with a little 'luck and a lot of goals skills can come from anywhere on the course. This feeling is returning in abundance in the Pro Evolution Soccer 2013.
So how did this happen? There are several functions in the heart of the new Pro Evolution Soccer to bring everything to pass, the most influential of which is an identification number and the Pro-Active AI.

Players with the individual
ID of the player pays great attention to the movement and characteristics of real players and transfers it to the virtual field. Ronaldo-Tappy unstable slopes are found there, as well as its annoyingly arrogant position for adopting a punishment.

Messi is another messianic powers were captured and moved, Robben runs that make him look like a field of penguin and Terry are also defensive dive to give a cheerful look. There are over 50 players that have been mapped as it is, and in all directions gives the Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 personality.

The first dynamic control means that you can take advantage of the ability that allows you to catch the balls coming or pour them over the defenders. Finally, Pro-Active AI helps you options for the defense was only the skin, ensuring that the computer controlled players more efficient use of space, making the paths that were previously on TV screaming for them to do.

They are heading change, but that's how they work in tandem with the commendable progress that has made Pro Evolution Soccer with his flirtation with mediocrity couple of years ago, threatening to make the game this year, the best in its classroom. Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is a dynamic process, the football talent, which is absolutely full of character - and trust us when we say that it really could be his year.
10:13 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Hideo Kojima : Developing Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima: development of a solid metal mechanism is similar to the Olympics
Hideo Kojima, the man behind the brilliant series of yeast franchises Metal Gear, made one of his cryptic statements about the development of teasing the next part of this series.
"When asked what the MGS series is up to you as soon as I said," It's like the Olympics. Great event that occurs every three to four years, "the legend of the game Twitter. "You have to dedicate his life to fighting the main goal in the world. Think of nothing but this. Second half becomes difficult, and you think you will retire after this. After his release, he's thinking about the next tournament."
Kojima has hinted at retirement, many times, but is currently working on a top secret project code-named Ogre, using a new engine package Fox. The true identity of the game is still shrouded in mystery, but Kojima has admitted that elements of stealth and will look over his previous OpenWorld igrah.Odinoky a screenshot that shows a person to crawl past the tank in the desert, offers modern and futuristic military. "We're not done with Solid Snake", said Kojima.
And "Metal Gear Solid 5? Kojima does not say, though it may pay more, beans, speaking at a special event for the 25th anniversary of the first Metal Gear game in late August.
While fans can look forward to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, cooperation between whom and Bayonetta Platinum Games "developers. This is for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in early 2013.
9:51 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Challenge Mind with Beyond : Two Souls

David Cage, French developer, whose studio Quantic Dream has created a wonderful thriller Heavy Rain PlayStation 3, has reiterated his desire to continue to push the game towards greater emotional depth, even if the media non-traditional ideas of "fun".

During the call to the edge of the magazine, described his hopes for the people who play their next game, "I do not want to question your fingers, I want to challenge their minds."

Beyond: Two souls Hollywood actress Ellen Page as a young girl is being hunted by the military. She shares with us some supernatural entity, which makes it a powerful and dangerous.

"My goal is to surprise people," Box continues. "To give them what they want, not knowing what they want. I want to create an emotional journey, a unique experience.'m Not interested in their" fun ", I want to give them meaning."

 One of the ways in which it intends to disseminate events in the game for 15 years, rather than condensed non-stop action yarn biggest names fight for. However, he admits that such a high concept story may not be for everyone. "Maybe it does not matter, or simply too ambitious," said Edge. "Maybe it's not something that most people really want, but it is a goal that I set with Beyond .. Creating something new"

Pros: Two souls is the exclusive PlayStation 3, and will be published in 2013.
9:22 PM | 0 comments | Read More

May Reveal For New Assassin's Creed

In the midst of talk about numbers, statistics and other numbers to call the financial results of Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has revealed some interesting news: the conviction of the murderess next game will be officially launched in just three short months.

"We will have faith in murderess this year," said Guillemot. "We're going to give you more information in May."

During his year, of course, Guillemot, referring to the fiscal period, in other words, the game can start any time between now and March 31, 2012. But a bet is reasonable to expect that, given the rapid period of development of Assassin 's Creed: Brotherhood, the next installment in the series could be all the time in November.

Speaking of the Brotherhood, Ubisoft has confirmed that the latest game in the stealth-action was sent 6500000 copies since launch, and this percentage has dropped a bit 'Killer II predecessor of faith, but still very impressive. Another recent publishing success, Just Dance, it seems, to escape and flee the offer Guillemot "is a good chance this segment of the dance can be strong for four or five years, such as Guitar Hero."

Although this may not be the best time to make a comparison with Activision has recently rejected deductible, Ubisoft has revealed that the series and spin-off, including Michael Jackson: The Experience and Dance on Broadway was delayed for more than 10 million copies. Just Dance 3 for Christmas, then? Of course, we would not be surprised.
1:17 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Nintendo Considered Making Nintenhorses

Nintendogs was one of the defining games DS: family favorite rope grandmother and sister, but turned out to be strangely addictive, even the most seasoned players as well. It is strange to think that Nintendo was followed by almost a game horse.

"After Nintendogs has been completed, we wondered how cats would work and tried to convert the model dog with a cat," said Hideki Konno, developer of Nintendo, Iwata asks interviews last. "Exactly," Shigeru Miyamoto intervened, the legendary creator of the Zelda and Mario. ut we are simply stuck on the cat's pictures, so that the cat was chasing the tail! "Konno said that there were ideas for animals like horses and dolphins. Some people say that a horse, of course, are selling well in Europe." "Only those who were not with these experiments and could not find the key to the verification of a product," says the head boss of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata.

What fate has found a place, however, Nintendogs + Cats, which will be displayed as part of the first line of 3DS. As the name implies, this is ... Yes, we are confident that you can work.
1:03 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Sonic Sega All-Stars

Sega Kart with another name
Some of you may have tried the demo recently, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. Some of you might want that is based on the fact that the demo version. What a shame, as Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing, and really enjoyed it. Read on!
Development of sumo, the group responsible for the transfer! OutRun 2, Virtua Tennis and a few other beauties on Xbox 360 SEGA, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is essentially Mario Kart with Sega characters. He is not going to win points for originality. However, if you are going to repeat, may also be the best of its kind. Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing theft with aplomb, lifting all the best ideas, Mario Kart, before applying the gloss transparent SAW this story.
Rich SEGA characters, each with its own unique way of transportation, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing will send the players of a certain age the late 90s / early zero, when the Sega Dreamcast and was an opponent on a roll! Blue sky, bright colors, catchy melodies and a great cast together in a fun package that is almost pure nostalgia, but the elegant and modern at the same time. SEGA Vintage, basically.

Sonic leads the waySonic, of course, leads the way with a lot of them plague fill the roster, including the tail, Amy, Eggman, shadows, and, unfortunately, a large cat. The racing part is filled by Ulala from Space Channel 5, D Hazuki of Shenmue, Chu Chu Rocket chuchus Strike on Jet Set Radio and more. He did not feel any, but they are definitely a unique group!
As expected, the game consists of running around to different tracks SAW case against the AI ​​or your friends. This makes it surprising, with instant control put it firmly in the driving seat, with the Turbo Boost is charged with using a modified version! OutRun 2 style system drifting. Like Mario Kart, to maintain the momentum to upload your results, but Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is controlled by drift, and allows you to weave an obstacle, even if you move the momentum and charge the system. It works great, and really allows you to control once you get the hang of it.
Other weapons included a standard go-kart, with the normal windows floating around on the route of choice for you to go. A fairly standard, with guided missiles, bombs, mines bounce, raises, and shields, are doing more or less what you'd expect. The turning point comes from the All-Star points, giving players on the back of the pack the opportunity to return to the race include them in the right way stupid. Sonic becomes supersonic and rushes around the track at insane speeds, while speeds Amigo block and someone goes in the fuel maracas conga line! It 'a good thing, and keeps everything in the race, without a terrible Blue Shell / weapon spamming recent efforts by competitors.

Devil in the perfectTracks Motley, however, with some beautiful and enjoyable courses based Sonic, Samba De Amigo and Jet Set Radio the best of the best. Racecourses Monkey Ball was clearly designed sadist, however, with angles and curves to get anywhere.
Single mode is divided into a race, Grand Prix, a race against time and the mission mode. Quite understandable, is playing with them similar to the mode of formation in the heart of Virtua Tennis or httack! OutRun 2. Each mission gives you a different purpose, and some of them are pretty brutal to improve, so there's a lot of play outside the most important game!
Multiplayer can be played in standalone mode or up to four players offline splitscreen. While the graphics fidelity falls a bit 'a split screen mode, are not less fun, and it's a lot of fun with a group of friends. With the ability to reach is available, all are sure to get around a race, regardless of the capacity. The Internet is stable and there are many races going on, so you are never far from some of the competition! Unfortunately, there is no multiplayer tournament, only one race. There is a failure, but a missed opportunity. 

Old School SEGAEach race takes you miles of SAW, which can be spent in the shop to unlock other characters, songs and music, which is always fun. Even the multiplayer games, as well as offline, you earn miles, so they are closer to the new material to play! Melodies of the originals of the old school SEGA classics too, so that once again the nostalgic SEGA fans will feel right at home!
In one game, there's a surprising amount to keep you coming back again and again - time trials, and play a lot of mission, as well as the Grand Prix mode is for experts to be surprisingly difficult. This is ultimately a multiplayer that keeps you coming back in any game, cards, multiplayer though not disappoint - it is a tight, bright, Night Rider, guaranteed you and your friends laughing and cursing!
In short, this kart game console Nintendo all without waiting!
12:45 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Ghost Recon - Future Soldier

Written By Rio on Monday, July 30, 2012 | 11:54 PM

Silent but deadly
What could be better than shooting a perfect shot in the head? Take four perfect shots to the head at the same time, of course! This is just one of the maneuvers in the cold waiting to go in the last game of high-tech factory Tom Clancy military simulation, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
As the name implies, this long-awaited results of 2007, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, you control a squad of soldiers Secret Ops blacks in the near future. All the familiar, but slightly different. In particular, he has an active camouflage, as the Predator. Dispose of in secret, and squatted immediately activate the device masking remains largely invisible to the extraction as long as you do not do stupid things, like running or squatting in front of the enemy. Since it was almost invisible, you can now learn on the battlefield, the purpose of labeling and works the best way to hit them without warning others. If you're really lazy, or just do not want to risk being subjected to, just send a drone to do a search for a remote control for you.

Throw themThis is where the shot is in perfect sync. How do you celebrate goals, your other team will move into position for a better line of fire at all. You can sort them to open fire at the same time, as a verbal command or a snapshot of your choice. It's great, efficient and really feel the evil of war, what exactly do you want from this game.
Sniping is the only part of the experience of Ghost Recon, however, and the future soldier feels when it comes to fulfilling activity. There are many sites where you just have to blow your way, and the game moves smoothly from Stealth methodical explosive third-person shooter. Duck behind cover, you return fire, press the advantage and use the same labeling system aims to direct the fire of your team. Empty, remove, and move on. This is a familiar rhythm of the games such as Gears of War, but the presentation and shine the future of shooting a soldier to make a satisfactory muscle, although the mechanisms are not very original.
It helps that the game constantly with new scenarios, having set the previous games in the Mexican border for a more ambitious anti-terrorism adventure travel. You see it in action in South America, Africa, Russia, Pakistan, including in the Arctic, but history will not affect an action or feeling so thin that you stop paying attention. Sand storms in the storm, the city streets to remote forests, the environment affects the way we play all the time.

"I" in teamThis, fortunately, experience to share with your friends in different ways. Story campaign, only to play online or through the cooperative, and if you can try to do it, you should. While the AI ​​of your teammates well, they are no substitute for a group of friends in the flesh and in the four directions of the stalls even more exciting if you have them aligned with human partners.

If you prefer a more independent experience in guerrilla warfare, the stand-alone mode offers arenas in which to fight alongside your friends. It's a survival game in which the first use of stealth to take control of the situation, and then hold it against waves of attackers trying to take it back. Although the game on the health recharge only takes a few bullets to put down, so working together is vital here.
Or if you prefer a more competitive online shooter, Future Soldier greets you here, although you may have to relearn a bit "before. There is no Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. What do you get four modes of play - the conflict, the saboteur, the bait and Siege - is to use a large open maps for the seriousness of the hardcore team-based tasks. If the game asks you to install explosive devices, or split the enemy headquarters for the investigation of multiple targets, Future Soldier takes the familiar jokes online multiplayer games and gives them a refreshing setting. Nowhere is this more evident than under siege, where one team tries to keep at bay the other in constant confrontation with the ruthless death. Yes, it's true. No revival. Once you have, you're out.
In a series of Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed as, Ubisoft has demonstrated its ability to bend to fit a multiplayer game, not vice versa, and the Future Soldier continues the trend in style. To open the players that will help you connect over several months.
A gift that keeps on givingThere is a lot going on in the fields, as well. Both the campaign and multiplayer games are secondary to environmental issues, as well as completion bonus XP or opening new weapons and gadgets. You can also send challenges to friends, urging them to beat the good results online for awards and achievements. There is also a crossover game with the ghost of Commander Recon on Facebook, as well as the usual bonus goodies Ubisoft Uplay.
All of this feeds back into the progression of the Internet, which enables the development of six people in three classes of character - the shooter, Engineer, Scout - and the two factions. The game boasts that there are millions of ways to customize your arsenal, and you can also use Kinect to dismantle the parts of each gun and change around. There is a push to convince all the elements of the package Future Soldier, and everyone feels that they are pulling in one direction.

Mission AccomplishedFuture Soldier is a kind of action game solid, satisfying and meaty, we hope. It takes a few invisible items - a thin, hard and strategic action team - and mixes them together in a way that brings out the best in each of them. History can give you the memories of Modern Warfare, but Ghost Recon puts his vision for the military clichés. If you were hungry for a new shooter, look no further.
11:54 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Cheats - Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 Xbox


  • This feature becomes available when you complete Battle mode.


  • Complete the Cell Games to unlock Team World Tournament play.


  • If you use your wish on Shenron's picture you can unlock more moves to wish for.


  • If you use one of the three wishes from Porugna on the Porugna picture you can unlock more moves to wish for.


  • When you reach a certain score or if you replicate a scene or battle from the series while playing through Battle Zone with your chosen character an enhanced version of your character will become unlocked after you have won the last fight. 


Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding bonus feature.

Unlock 2 Dragonball Animation Videos:
Complete Galaxy mode, summon Shenron or the Namek Dragon, and get ALL the wishes.

Unlock Credits Video and a Secret Achievement:
Complete Galaxy mode with ALL characters.

Unlock Credits Video #2:
Complete Galaxy mode 100% with ALL characters.


When clearing Battles Zones it may be necessary to meet certain conditions to unlock the hidden routes that will enable you to reach an alternate Climax Stage boss. In certain Battle Zones these conditions must be cleared in order to get a 100% rate. Character, items, score, health, and the time taken to finish the fight do not count toward unlocking the hidden routes. For the zones, requiring the combo to unlock the hidden route, the combo can be done anyway possible at any point during the fight, how you finish the fight is irrelevant.

Unlock Ultimate Circle Zone - Stage 1:
Defeat Teen Gohan with the Ultimate Attack.

Unlock Circle Zone - Stage 2:
Defeat Recoome with the Ultimate Attack.

Unlock Spherical Zone - Stage 2:
Defeat Android #14 with a Super Attack.

Unlock Spiral Zone - Stage 3 (Right):
Defeat Kid Trunks while in Raging Soul.

Unlock Ultimate Lozenge Zone - Stage 3:
Defeat Frieza with the Ultimate Attack.

Unlock Ultimate Spherical Zone - Stage 3:
During your fight with Dore land a combo of at least 20 hits.

Unlock Ultimate Spiral Zone - Stage 3 (Left):
Defeat Super Trunks with a Super Attack.

Unlock Ultimate Triangle Zone - Stage 3 (Right):
Defeat Goten while in Raging Soul.

Unlock Ultimate Final Zone - Stage 3:
Defeat Bardock with a Super Attack.

Unlock Triangle Zone - Stage 4 (Left):
During your fight with Cell land a combo of at least 20 hits.


The following characters become available options when you complete the corresponding task.

Unlock Android #13:
Complete Dr. Gero's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock Android #14:
Complete Android#13's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock Bojack:
Complete Zangya's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock Cooler:

Complete Frieza's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock Hatchiyack:
Watch the Dragon Ball Z 'The Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyan!' movie.

Unlock SSJ3 Broly:
Complete Broly's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock SSJ3 Vegeta:
Complete SSJ3 Broly's Boss mission in Galaxy mode.

Unlock Turles:
Complete Raditz's Boss mission in Galaxy mode. 


On character select go up,up,left,right,rb,rb, then go on galaxy mode their will be extra characters they should be ssj4 versions of all saiyans and ubb beat their galaxy then you can use them on any mode
8:01 PM | 2 comments | Read More

Demon's Souls

Not for the faint of heart
Demon Soul is a game for those who believe that games are used for more challenging than it is now - you punch in the view, and scared to death while doing so. In short, it's a cruel, dark, horror-colored combat RPG, which gives rise to your lone character against the universe, full of violent demons.

They range from former soldiers living person, double scimitar armed skeletons, creatures attacking the flames, octopus-head guards, embryonic plague carrying monster, even Death itself. There is absolutely no shortage of things to kill you, and they are all intent to do so. From time to time we encounter another lone survivor tries away in a dark tunnel out of prison, but in most cases, you are alone against everything that the game can throw at you. 

Enemy territory
Five weight worlds, all divided into three or four different sections, each guarded by some of the most inspiring and disturbing boss we've ever seen, about fifty meters Knight Castle Tower in Boletarian contaminated dirt monster in the valley of pollution. Demon Souls is a beautifully crafted dark fantasy, and it is very similar to the survival horror game like RPG.
You need different tactics to defeat all the evil in the world of the dead, demons, and fortunately, the game does not limit itself with your choice of character class. You can use any weapon or armor can be cleaned with a simple part of the shield and sword, bow and arrows, wands and talismans for the treatment, hammers, knives and much more, and develop your character as you like, not focusing solely on the strength or magic.
You can crawl through dark tunnels with a spear, protected by two inches thick, bulletproof vests and massive shield, or darts around with the dagger and sticks. It is safe to accept the terrible skeletons in black face to face, relying on his skill with a sword and shield parry, or take a more cautious approach, affecting the health of enemies at a distance for long range and arrows.

No mercy
The game involves a lot of dying. Every time you die, you start from the beginning, with all the enemies you just tried to overcome where they were. There are no compromises. There is not even pause. You can get better, and you'll get nowhere.

Most of the time, that will play, as a dead soul, not your physical body and health declines. The only way to get the body back to win the boss - or helping someone else to win the internet.
Features an online demon dead, really extraordinary. Players may leave messages written on the plans, to warn each other of danger ahead, and point the way to hidden treasure. The ghosts of other players, usually depicting a horrible last moment, apparently, from time to time to go. 

Starship Trouper
Features an online demon dead, really extraordinary. Players may leave messages written on the plans, to warn each other of danger ahead, and point the way to hidden treasure. The ghosts of other players, usually depicting a horrible last moment, apparently, from time to time to go.
You can also offer to be called in someone else's game as Blue Phantom is useful to work together to defeat the boss. Or, it may be more attractive, you can invade another game like Phantom of the Black and the attempted murder of his soul going. This makes things even more tense when you were invading, I am convinced that every shadow behind every wall of your potential killer, armed to the teeth enchanted arrow notched and aimed at his chest.
Demon Souls is an amazing game. Do not spoil me, do not explain, does not make a concession - instead, it offers you to understand yourself, to overcome the seemingly impossible. This is a unique and intriguing character, and if you can take the pain, is one of the most rewarding games you'll ever play.
7:52 PM | 0 comments | Read More

James Bond - 007 Legends

 Familiar faces return to the 007 stories - but not the cameo queen

His Majesty, perhaps, was the oldest Bond girl in the world last week when he was escorted to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games suave secret agent Daniel Craig, but the queen, unfortunately, will become part of his legendary 007 , the game last link, despite its extraordinary capacity for skydiving.

Greatest Hits shooter, the game has missions based on six classic Bond faces his entire film career, reinterpreting in a single over-arc storyline, create partitions based on a new movie, Skyfall.

Daniel Craig is, of course, James Bond will announce, in addition to lending his likeness test. He will be joined by co-stars Skyfall Naomi Harris (Pirates of the Caribbean, 28 Days Later) and Rory "Son of Roy" Kinnear (Quantum of Solace).

Some of the classic Bond villains will also play a role. The mission was founded around 1979 in Moonraker replace Craig Jolly Roger Moore, Michael Lonsdale, Richard Kiel, and went into the recording booth to give Hugo Drax and henchman Jaws metal mouth, respectively.

Moonraker and Her Majesty's Secret Service, only two of the classic stories, 007 made ​​during the game. Publisher Activision is to preserve the names of the other stories in secret folder stamped TOP Manila in the present.

007 Legends includes active duty on Oct. 16 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
7:40 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Far Cry 3 - Insane Edition

You play the game in Far Cry waits a certain amount of action, but from the third position in the tropical sandbox shooter series Ubisoft hopes to add emotional layers, which may not be experienced. In an interview with the landfill site gambling, Mark Thompson, the lead designer on Far Cry Level 3 explained that the character of Jason Brody, a tourist in search of his girlfriend on the island torn apart by war, consciously you think "the impact of the death of so many.
"We are not saying if something is good or bad," says Thompson. "We do not judge the players. Ultimately, the game is to kill, and we know that, so you do not want to. Game asks you to shoot. Game is to kill people to win. Thus, we wanted to do that The story we wrote that he understood. stories to kill a story about Jason ... Jason comes to the island and that he never fired a gun before, he had never killed before. Thus, the story explores what is actually actually, what you need to do to become a hero. "

Thompson went on to script in the context of the popular action blockbuster Die Hard, promising that post-traumatic stress will be in the game, and that will offer something very different from the usual "fantasies to be the last soldier." "We never see the scene six months after the event, John McClane when he wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat seeing Hans Gruber falling from Nakatomi", says Thompson.
Far Cry 3 is certainly shaping up to be something very impressive. It touches on November 30th for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
7:35 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Walkthrough - Final Fantasy XIII-2

3:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Walkthrough - Diablo 3

Download "Walkthrough Diablo 3" here
2:53 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Medal of Honor - War Fighter

The best of the fight with the scum of the Earth in the Medal of Honor Warfighter.

Medal of Honor Warfighter continues to reboot with the emphasis on Tier 1 operators and is based on real experiences of real U.S. special forces. Technology of the future is not far-fetched for this first-person shooter - Warfighter is a testimony of courage and sacrifice of the best soldiers in the world. In fact, a new multiplayer mode - powered by DICE engine Frostbite 2, no less - could push the first special operations forces against each other. With the British SAS in Australia SASR, Russian special forces U.S. Navy Seals, also the Swedish SOG, UDTs South Korea / SEAL, and much more - all presented and all the fights to see who is truly the best of the best better!

Campaign mode brings up the events of 2010 Medal of Honor, after the Tier 1 soldier, preacher, as he returns home to find his family is falling apart. The years in the military seems to be the cause of all this, but when the attack threatens the lives of his family, returns to action - action that mission takes him hostage in the Philippines and in dealing with Somali pirates, who are provided with images of the eyes appear and realism you can only have been in this field.
1:54 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Battlefield 3 - The Battle Comes Out

EA set of players hungry cries of joy of the war, when he confirmed the fourth Battlefield game in development in 2013, but some fans have expressed concern that this means the current name, the field of battle, and the excellent 3, will be abandoned.

Not so, says Community Manager Ian Tornay, who took on the official blog of Battlefield put your heart at peace. "We are committed to providing an excellent experience Battlefield 3 in the future, what version of Aftermath, End 4 games and battles," he said. "DICE continues its work on Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 together. Moreover, the official details on the Battlefield 4 will always be available here on the blog and Battlefield. We expect that the level of interest will lead to a 4 Battlefield lot of speculation and rumors - do not fall for it! "

Battlefield 3 is now among a number of packages for extra content, new maps and devices for the rest of the year and beyond.
For those who can not wait to get my hands on the battlefield 4, when the only way to achieve this pre-order the upcoming Medal of Honor: Warfighter, which comes with access to evidence Battlefield 4 Beta.
Battlefield 4 is expected to land in the autumn of 2013. Medal of Honor: Warfighter is this year, on October 23 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
1:48 AM | 0 comments | Read More

XCOM Enemy Unknown - Sets a Date For Alien

XCOM Enemy Unknown, reboot, slash-and-a remake of the classic strategy game, will have his flying saucer in UK stores on October 12, publisher 2K Games has announced.

The game puts you in charge of the government agency owner responsible for monitoring and reflection of alien invasions. You'll explore new transfers of alien technologies, you can find and allocate resources to ensure the entire planet is safe. When the aliens do not slip through the net, you will command special forces sent to the area to destroy the aliens and destroy all evidence of their suschestvovaniya.Nemnogo like Men in Black, but with much less "Oh, the devil tries" Will jokes Smith.

The new version is in safe hands. And 'developed by Firaxis, the studio responsible for the Civilization series brilliant and critically acclaimed. As a sign of the origin of the original game, the computer will receive an exclusive special edition of the book containing the art, the patch marks the site plan for XCOM based giant, and a digital copy of the soundtrack, wallpapers and more yet.

There is another game in and XCOM - 1950 established the first-person shooter, due in 2013.

Enemy Unknown XCOM leaving crop circles around the world October 12 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
1:39 AM | 0 comments | Read More